While at work today. I think my writing side screams. It just been so confused and not sure what to do. What I wanted to write about is controversial. My fellow co-work told me
,"It's 2010. You can say anything." The more controversy your blog is the more hits you get and the more money you can make. I suppose that if you want to make a career out of blogging. He gave me an example of the Solider Mom's Blog.
At the same time, I could write things to myself, never posting it publicly. The info, I have, the minute I tell someone and give a small sample or the name of the blogs, I have in my head waiting to be written. All I hear is.. That's gooood. I wanna hear more. Do you wanna add my stories?
But I am torn between not offending people and keeping secrets, secrets. If I could provide this information in a creative entertaining way. I think this is the force within, that keeps me from writing. Trying to be kosher yet not vulgar. Some how embracing this. That it is okay to go there. Realizing, that yet, there's no hiding this from the world. That being out there in the web I am public and my words can be found. There is not options to put the blog on freeze. Which I do not think blog sites have developed that technology. There might be a time when I wanna just freeze it. Shit can come back at you...
A very famous editor and writer once told me this about my writing. When I was approached about doing a piece for a book, after finding some of my Travel blogs. She states.
" I am racy, irreverent and naughty. Some how that caught her attention. It's there. I am fighting once again with the good and the bad.. I have already suggested that one of my articles might elude the word Penis. When people hear that. That word, being used, could be personal, but at the same time funny.
I lived through enough strange out there, not the normal. They did What? I share these stories with people all the time. Why not blog that story or that experience.
Which I am totally comfortable talking about Private parts and sexuality ect..... There are more subjects I could dive into, but maybe I am not ready too.
Also, I feel it is the same people who have open up there private lives, emotions and feeling to the world. blogs. I have gathered the most and best information about subjects that have helped me so much. I want to be able to be bold and UN afraid to say that... I too maybe have something to offer people. They don't know it yet and neither do I. I wish to do the same..... as other bloggers have done for me.... It's the courage to break out of the mold and talk about the sexed drugs, perverts people, and the dirty things
We all want to hide and or not talk about the shame. Yet, the shame is not so terrible. To break out to say what we feel... People! There needs to be a revolution!
I PERSONALLY have information, not found on blogs, that I know. I am not aware that it is out there. I also have first-hand experience, which, whatever it is that I want to say.
If it was not for some book, blog or person opening up too me, and sharing a life experience. I would not be where I am...... Communication.............. saying what you feel regardless needs to happen more. I guess that what I am working on. TO free my writer. To let anything I say, no matter what, be okay... acceptance from the world or not.... I might touch someone or nothing.
,"It's 2010. You can say anything." The more controversy your blog is the more hits you get and the more money you can make. I suppose that if you want to make a career out of blogging. He gave me an example of the Solider Mom's Blog.
At the same time, I could write things to myself, never posting it publicly. The info, I have, the minute I tell someone and give a small sample or the name of the blogs, I have in my head waiting to be written. All I hear is.. That's gooood. I wanna hear more. Do you wanna add my stories?
But I am torn between not offending people and keeping secrets, secrets. If I could provide this information in a creative entertaining way. I think this is the force within, that keeps me from writing. Trying to be kosher yet not vulgar. Some how embracing this. That it is okay to go there. Realizing, that yet, there's no hiding this from the world. That being out there in the web I am public and my words can be found. There is not options to put the blog on freeze. Which I do not think blog sites have developed that technology. There might be a time when I wanna just freeze it. Shit can come back at you...
A very famous editor and writer once told me this about my writing. When I was approached about doing a piece for a book, after finding some of my Travel blogs. She states.
" I am racy, irreverent and naughty. Some how that caught her attention. It's there. I am fighting once again with the good and the bad.. I have already suggested that one of my articles might elude the word Penis. When people hear that. That word, being used, could be personal, but at the same time funny.
I lived through enough strange out there, not the normal. They did What? I share these stories with people all the time. Why not blog that story or that experience.
Which I am totally comfortable talking about Private parts and sexuality ect..... There are more subjects I could dive into, but maybe I am not ready too.
Also, I feel it is the same people who have open up there private lives, emotions and feeling to the world. blogs. I have gathered the most and best information about subjects that have helped me so much. I want to be able to be bold and UN afraid to say that... I too maybe have something to offer people. They don't know it yet and neither do I. I wish to do the same..... as other bloggers have done for me.... It's the courage to break out of the mold and talk about the sexed drugs, perverts people, and the dirty things
We all want to hide and or not talk about the shame. Yet, the shame is not so terrible. To break out to say what we feel... People! There needs to be a revolution!
I PERSONALLY have information, not found on blogs, that I know. I am not aware that it is out there. I also have first-hand experience, which, whatever it is that I want to say.
If it was not for some book, blog or person opening up too me, and sharing a life experience. I would not be where I am...... Communication.............. saying what you feel regardless needs to happen more. I guess that what I am working on. TO free my writer. To let anything I say, no matter what, be okay... acceptance from the world or not.... I might touch someone or nothing.
Yeahhh let it all hang out!